Principal Projects
Active Travel / Public Realm High Street Scheme
This scheme jointly funded by South Ayrshire Council and Sustrans aims to improve the accessibility of the town centre for pedestrians, wheelers and cyclists with significant improvements to the footpaths throughout the high street with quality materials. The public realm around School Vennel, the Town Hall car park and the crossing at the train station is also planned to be enhanced and improved.
The proposed scheme being revised, which plans to continue to support two-way traffic in the town centre, is being developed.
An in-person and online community and business consultation on the proposed revised scheme is planned in Autumn 2023 to gather the communities input and views on the proposed scheme. Subject to all consents and funding being approved the work is now expected to begin Spring 2024 for approximately 12 months.
A second phase looks to connect the centre of Maybole with safe accessible active travel routes to the new community campus and a further update will be provided on this proposal in Autumn 2023.
Funders: Maybole Active Travel High Street scheme is generously funded by Sustrans, South Ayrshire Council, and the Heritage Lottery
Priority Building Improvements
This project, jointly invested by owners, our funders and the Regeneration project will invest up to £4.1m into five key historic buildings in Maybole over the period of the project. Funding from the project has already helped contribute to renovating and preserving Goudie’s (the former Speakers). This project is also also supporting joint funding with owners in the renovation of the Town Hall, the Castle, the Charity Shop. Two further priority buildings yet to be confirmed are hoped to be supported in this scheme. This aims to preserve these important buildings and facilities for current and future generations, making the town centre an even more attractive destination for local and visitors alike. Works on the Town Hall started in May 2022, the Charity shop started in summer 2022. The town Hall is expected to complete by August 2023 and the Charity Shop shortly thereafter. The Castle works started in March 2023 and will last approximately 12 months.
Funders: Priority building Improvements are generously funded by owners, Heritage Lottery, HES, SAC (Town Hall Only), Scottish Government, Scottish Land Fund (Charity Shop Only)
Shop Front Improvements and Small Grants Scheme
This scheme is focused on shops and private dwellings in the high street and is funded by the owners, Historic Environment Scotland and the Heritage Lottery. As of summer 2023, five schemes are moving to the construction stage all of which aim to complete by winter 2023/spring 2024.
This three strand scheme seeks to significantly improve the appearance of the town centre. Recent survey’s has indicated buildings in the central part of the town are in a poorer state than original envisaged which is causing budget issues. The three schemes are currently closed to new applications, however this will be reviewed around August 2023.
- Homeowner Grants scheme
- Shop Front Improvements
- Shops back into use
With a limited budget and construction costs rising not all applications to this scheme will be approved. The three programs have an initial focus on the central part of the town centre to maximise the visual improvement in the central area. (Approximately Goudie’s to the Coop). This will be reconsidered depending on budget.
Shop front Improvements and Shops back into use aims to bring significant improvements in the street level visual landscape and help preserve historic buildings improve shopfronts to make the High Street a more attractive place to visit while supporting new and existing businesses. Homeowner Grants scheme, aims to support homeowners conserve and preserve their buildings. The focus is the central area of the town to maximise the positive visual impact of the investment. It is hoped to review the scheme in August 2023.
Find out more information here or please get in touch.
Funders: The Shop Front Improvements, Shops back into use and Small Grants to homeowner’s schemes are funded by owners, NHLF, HES, SAC.
Activity Programme
This scheme, funded by Historic Environment Scotland offers training for local contractors and learning opportunities. As of March 2023, 30 local contractors undertook accredited training in traditional building techniques. Over 2100 of all age groups within the local community have connected with projects including our heritage day in May of 2022, our arts programme including our historic talks, our school programme which includes supporting students to learn about employment opportunities in construction and our volunteering programme.
Funders: The Activity program is generously funded by HES and SAC
Maybole Castle
The Cassillis and Culzean estate owned historic 15th century Castle is currently under a conservation and repair scheme which began in February 2023 and is expected to complete in Spring 2024. The scheme is focused on securing the future of the building and enabling the building to be used as a community resource when complete. The scheme is funded by the owners, Historic Environment Scotland, Heritage Lottery and the Scottish Government’s regeneration Capital Grants Fund.